Pricing at our Columbia Park, Don Fisher, Excelsior, Mission and Visitacion Valley Clubhouses
Full Summer Youth Membership (June 5th - August 1st)
2-Week Sessions Youth Membership
Sunnydale, Tenderloin and Willie Mays at Hunters Point Clubhouse Pricing
Full Summer Youth Membership only (June 5th - August 1st)
Our School-Based Clubs at San Francisco Community School, Malcolm X Academy, and Carver Elementary School will also be open for 8 weeks of summer programming and you can sign up now. The exact schedule for which weeks will be located within the school and which weeks will be located at the closest Clubhouse (our Excelsior Clubhouse for San Francisco Community School and our Willie Mays Clubhouse at Hunters Point for Malcolm X Academy, and Carver Elementary School) will be available in March. Please reach out to your Site Director for more information.
Full Summer Teen Membership