Job Readiness

Putting youth on the path to success

We introduce our members to careers with earning potential, while preparing and empowering them to become productive, caring, and responsible citizens.

Our job readiness program works in collaboration with school-based learning to help our teens figure out their career interests and the right next steps to take with their education.

Our innovative programs start with middle school youth and extend to high school members, exposing them to professional opportunities and providing them with the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to lay the foundation for their future career. Every year, we connect hundreds of teens across the city to work experiences that lead to sustainable and fulfilling careers. We engage teens in programs that prevent truancy and increase school engagement and work with each teen to create an individualized transition plan during their senior year of high school.

Join our Leaders-In-Training Program

Calling all teens!
Through our Leaders-In-Training Program, teens become “ready for life” through unique projects, coaching, career exploration and on-the-job training. We welcome all teens in grades 9-12 who want to be part of a welcoming and inclusive environment and develop their leadership skills! Teens who complete the requirements receive a $800 gift card!
Questions? Contact Earl Declet, Citywide Director of Youth Leadership & Workforce Development, at
Learn more

Signature Programs


Money Matters

Money Matters, our financial literacy program, empowers youth to make informed financial decisions now and in the future. As youth progress through the program, they learn how to create a budget, access their credit report, and plan for larger financial decisions, like college. Multiple times a year, we partner with Charles Schwab to bring youth an interactive financial literacy workshop (The Reality Store) that challenges teens to set goals, develop budgets, and make informed financial decisions based on changes in career, family size, and geographic areas.

Work Experiences

We provide hands-on work experiences in Clubhouses and at Camp Mendocino, including placement of teens from the Mayor’s Youth Employment and Education Program, teen volunteers, school-referred interns, Camp and Club Leaders in Training (LITs), and other stipend-based programs placing teens in real-world job experiences.

Part-Time Jobs and Internship Opportunities

Throughout the year, we connect our members with opportunities to apply for exclusive entry-level positions at Bay Area companies. These part-time jobs and internships give our members unique experiences in the workforce, while providing them with the opportunity to enhance their resumes before leaving high school.


CareerLaunch is our job readiness and professional development program, which offers a variety of activities to hone teens’ decision-making, problem-solving, and critical-thinking abilities: important skills for workplace success. Youth who go through our CareerLaunch Program complete activities that help them prepare for their first job or plan their career.

Career Exposure

Career Exposure activities provide teens with a unique opportunity to see workplaces in action by visiting local companies and community-based organizations. Activities are planned based on teens’ interest areas, exposing them to new careers in the Bay Area’s fastest growing industries. Career Exposure events generally include a tour, career panel, and an opportunity for teens to participate in hands-on activities that mirror the work of professionals at the job site.

CLub Leaders-in-Training (LIT)

The Club Leaders-in-Training program is a job readiness, character development, and service-learning program for high school members at our Clubhouses and Camp Mendocino.Participating teens take part in professional development workshops, resume/portfolio development, and are provided hands-on work experience. Successful completion of the Club LIT program connects youth to summer employment opportunities and provides them with lasting leadership skills.
Please contact yourlocal Clubhouse for additional programs offered.