Mission Clubhouse

Four of our Clubhouses are open for specific hours and for limited youth. Click below for more information.

COVID-19 Updates

Clubhouses manage registration on an individual basis. Please complete this application form to request Fall placement at your preferred location.

fall application
For questions or more information, please contact your local Clubhouse.

Hours & Location

Contact Us
School-Year Hours:
Monday - Tuesday
From school release time until 6 PM for Elementary School members.
From school release time until 7 PM for Middle School and High School members.

Wednesday - Thursday
From school release time until 6 PM

From school release time until 6 PM for Elementary School members.
From school release time until 8 PM for Middle School and High School members.

Spring Break and Summer Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Friday: 8:30AM - 3:30PM

901 Alabama Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
BGCSF has a very limited number of spots due to the guidance of the public health order. The number of youth we can accept is very limited and daily attendance is required. Club hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please note that there will be no visitors to the Clubs this winter/spring. Parents/Guardians are required to remain outside the Club for pick-up and drop off.

Welcome to Mission Clubhouse!
Hi, I'm Kate, the Clubhouse Director of Mission Clubhouse. Our team is excited to meet you! Here at Mission Clubhouse, we're proud to offer programs that fit our members' diverse interests, including academic support, leadership programs, creative arts, and a number of sports opportunities. We look forward to serving you and your family!
Kate Pfaff
Clubhouse Director
EMAIL clubhouse directorView Clubhouse Photos
About the Mission Clubhouse
The Mission Clubhouse has been located at its current location since 1928 and is the first Boys & Girls Club constructed west of the Mississippi River. The Club was built with the help of the Rotary Club of San Francisco, the second oldest Rotary Club in the world. In 2008, BGCSF began a full-scale renovation of the old Clubhouse, reopening the Club in its current form in June of 2010. This Clubhouse is located one-quarter mile from our Columbia Park Clubhouse — also in the Mission District.

The Club serves youth from across the city, but primarily those from the eastern Mission. The building is owned by BGCSF, and is approximately 14,000 square feet. 

The Mission Clubhouse has several important school partnerships, including both traditional public schools, charter public schools, and parochial schools. The Club enjoys good relationships with families, neighbors, and local businesses.

Spotlight Programs

Academic Support

We provide homework help, tutoring, enrichment programs, SAT classes, college prep, and more to help Club members achieve academic success.

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Spotlight Programs

Health & Fitness

We provide fun and engaging fitness activities and competitive sports to get Club members excited about leading a healthy lifestyle.

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Spotlight Programs

Creative Arts

We offer year-round creative arts classes for youth of all ages.

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Spotlight Programs

Teen Services

Our programs for teens provide leadership opportunities, college preparation, and career exploration to help prepare them for life after age 18.

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Spotlight Programs

Leadership Development

We provide Club members of all ages the opportunity to participate in community service and leadership development programs that build their skills while teaching them that they have the power to positively bring about change in their community.

Learn More
Check out our Clubhouse brochure!

Upcoming Dates

Resource Fair for Grieving Families
Thursday, March 26th
Don Fisher Clubhouse
380 Fulton St.

End of School Year Carnival
Friday, May 22nd

Youth of the Summer
Friday, July 24th
Time TBA
Important Dates
Spring Break
Club open 10am-5:30pm from Tuesday, March 31st - Friday, April 3rd

Last Day of School Year Program
Friday, May 22nd

First Day of Summer Program
Wednesday, June 3rd

Parent Orientations
Monday, February 24th, 5:00pm
Friday, March 27th, 9:00am
Thursday, April 23rd, 5:00pm
Monday, May 4th, 9:00am
Friday, May 15th, 5:00pm

Ask about
Camp Mendocino!

School Pickups & Safe Walks


Thomas Edison Charter Academy
Caesar Chavez Elementary
The Mission Preparatory School
Moscone Elementary

Our Team

Our team comes to work every day passionate about offering our Club members high-quality programs in a safe and welcoming environment.

Kate Pfaff
Clubhouse Director

Kelsey Herrington
Education Director

Ariel Lopez Segovia
Art Director

Leidy Hernandez
Youth Development Coordinator
Ivan Hernandez
Youth Development Coordinator
Tarquin Gaines
Assistant Clubhouse Director
Marlon Loa
Sports, Fitness, & Play Director

Diego Lopez
Youth Development Coordinator
Maricela Gandara
Administrative Assistant

Naomi Galley
Education Liason

Corinne Whitsitt
Middle School Services Director
Diego Escalante
Youth Development Coordinator
Paul Altamirano
Youth Development Coordinator