The Willie Mays Clubhouse at Hunters Point

Clubhouses manage registration on an individual basis. Please complete this application form to request Fall placement at your preferred location.

fall application
For questions or more information, please contact your local Clubhouse.

Four of our Clubhouses are open for specific hours and for limited youth. Click below for more information.

COVID-19 Updates

Hours & Location

Contact Us
School-Year Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: From school release time until 6 PM
Tuesday & Thursday: From school release time until 7 PM
Friday: From school release time until 8 PM

Spring Break and Summer Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 5PM
Friday: 9AM - 4PM

195 Kiska Road
San Francisco, CA 94124
BGCSF has a very limited number of spots due to the guidance of the public health order. The number of youth we can accept is very limited and daily attendance is required. Club hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please note that there will be no visitors to the Clubs this winter/spring. Parents/Guardians are required to remain outside the Club for pick-up and drop off.

Welcome to The Willie Mays Clubhouse at Hunters Point!
Hi, I'm Teshia, the Clubhouse Director of the Willie Mays Clubhouse at Hunters Point. Our team is excited to meet you! Here at Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco's Willie Mays Clubhouse, we're proud to offer programs that fit our members' diverse interests, including academic support, cooking, gardening, STEM activities, middle school and high school programs, and a number of different sports. We look forward to serving you and your family!
Lateshia "Teshia" Jenkins
Clubhouse director
EMAIL Club directorView Clubhouse Photos
About The Willie Mays Clubhouse at Hunters Point
The Willie Mays Clubhouse is located at the top of Hunters Point Hill in the Bayview District. This is our largest Clubhouse when including all of the outdoor space.

The Club is well known for the Junior Giants program, the garden and teaching kitchen, academic support, and job readiness programs for teens. This Clubhouse draws youth from schools across the Bayview and beyond, including both traditional public schools and public charter schools, most notably the KIPP schools.

Spotlight Programs


We offer a wide range of athletic opportunities, including co-ed basketball, baseball, and co-ed futsal.

Learn More

Spotlight Programs

Academic Support

We provide homework help, tutoring, enrichment programs, SAT classes, college prep, and more to help Club members achieve academic success.

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Spotlight Programs

Cooking and Gardening

We offer cooking and gardening programs that empower youth to make healthy choices.

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Spotlight Programs

Teen Services

Our programs for teens provide leadership opportunities, college preparation, and career exploration to help prepare them for life after age 18.

Learn More

Spotlight Programs


Through our partnerships with Tinkering School, we offer fun ways for Club members to get excited about science, technology, engineering, and math.

Check out our Clubhouse brochure!

Upcoming Dates

Resource Fair for Grieving Families
Thursday, March 26th
Don Fisher Clubhouse
380 Fulton St.
Important Dates
Ask about Camp Mendocino!

School Pickups & Safe Walks

School Pickups

Charles R. Drew Elementary School
Malcolm X Academy
Bret Harte Elementary School
Starr King Elementary School
George Washington Carver Elementary School
KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy
OnePurpose School
Burnett Child Development Center

Safe Walks

Safe passage to Club members' homes is provided

Our Team

Our team comes to work every day passionate about offering our Club members high-quality programs in a safe and welcoming environment.
Lateshia "Teshia" Jenkins
Clubhouse Director

Jamaica "Ms. J" Taylor
Education Liaison
Gianni Robinson
Youth Development Coordinator
Alfred Hollins
Health, Fitness, & Play Director

Cameron Matthews
Assistant Clubhouse Director
Leilani Fuller
Middle School Services Director

Terena Carter
Student Support Coordinator
Skky Foster
Children's Behavioral Health Specialist

Nae Martin
Adminstrative Assistant
Donald "Don Juan" LewisVan Driver