Visitacion Valley Clubhouse

Clubhouses manage registration on an individual basis. Please complete this application form to request Fall placement at your preferred location.

fall application
For questions or more information, please contact your local Clubhouse.

Hours & Location

Contact Us
School-Year Hours:
Monday - Thursday
From school release time until 7 PM

Middle School: From school release time until 7 PM
Elementary School: From school release time until 6 PM

Spring Break Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9AM - 5PM

Summer Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 5PM
Friday: 9AM - 4PM

251 Leland Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94134
BGCSF has a very limited number of spots due to the guidance of the public health order. The number of youth we can accept is very limited and daily attendance is required. Club hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please note that there will be no visitors to the Clubs this winter/spring. Parents/Guardians are required to remain outside the Club for pick-up and drop off.

Welcome to Visitacion Valley Clubhouse!
Hi, I'm Deji, the Assistant Clubhouse Director. Our team is excited to meet you! At Vis Valley, we're proud to offer programs that fit our members' diverse interests, including academic support, literacy enrichment programs, athletic opportunities, and more. We look forward to serving you and your family!
Adedeji "Deji" Adebiyi
Assistant Clubhouse director
EMAIL assistant clubhouse directorView Clubhouse Photos
About the Visitacion Valley Clubhouse
The Visitacion Valley Clubhouse has been located in a Recreation & Parks Department facility at the corner of Leland and Cora since 2011.

The Visitacion Valley Clubhouse draws most of its Club members from Vis Valley Elementary School (VVES) next door. As kids move into middle school and high school, they spread out to more schools, some in the neighborhood and others farther away.

This Clubhouse is paired with the Sunnydale Clubhouse to create the Greater Visitacion Valley Clubhouses, with one Clubhouse Director managing both.

Four of our Clubhouses are open for specific hours and for limited youth. Click below for more information.

COVID-19 Updates

Spotlight Programs

Academic Support

We provide homework help, tutoring, enrichment programs, SAT classes, college prep, and more to help Club members achieve academic success.

Learn More

Spotlight Programs

Health & Fitness

We provide fun and engaging fitness activities and competitive sports to get Club members excited about leading a healthy lifestyle.

Learn More

Spotlight Programs


Through our partnerships with Exploratorium and Edventure More, we offer fun ways for Club members to get excited about science, technology, engineering, and math.

Spotlight Programs

Gardening & Nutrition

Our programs teach youth outdoor education, provide an opportunity to get outside and experience nature, and get Club members excited about leading a healthy lifestyle.

Learn More

Spotlight Programs

Leadership Development

We provide Club members of all ages the opportunity to participate in community service and leadership development programs that build their skills while teaching them that they have the power to positively bring about change in their community.

Learn More
Check out our Clubhouse brochure!

Upcoming Dates

Resource Fair for Grieving Families
Thursday, March 26th
Don Fisher Clubhouse
380 Fulton St.
Important Dates
Ask about Camp Mendocino!

Safe Walks

Safe Walks

Visitacion Valley Elementary
Aptos Middle School
Safe passage home after Middle School programming

Our Team

Our team comes to work every day passionate about offering our Club members high-quality programs in a safe and welcoming environment.

Adedeji Adebiyi
Assistant Clubhouse Director
Tammy Ng
Education Liaison
Olu Akanni
Youth Development Coordinator
Surnetta "Netta" SinhMiddle School Director
Robert Harris
Program Leader
Brenda Yan
Administrative Assistant

Patricia Cartagena
Children's Behavioral Health Specialist

Deaignez Rivas
Youth Development Coordinator